Sales and Use Tax: Complexity That Can Bite! Audit Risk Mitigation with CCH® SureTax®

If you are unable to attend, register and a link to the webinar’s OnDemand recording will be provided after the webinar.

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In today’s constantly evolving business landscape, any change in your business, such as selling to new territories or legislative changes out of your control, can bring additional tax obligations.  It is important to ensure you are ahead of the game with sales and use tax, no matter your business strategy. Relying on manual calculations or outdated software can open your company to hefty fines and penalties.

Wolters Kluwer presents CCH® SureTax®, the end-to-end expert sales and use tax solution trusted by IRS for more than 15 years. It combines CCH’s century-long tax expertise and modern technology into one seamless solution that can help you mitigate your sales and use tax audit risk. Join our webinar to learn how CCH® SureTax® can help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of tax obligations.

Join us on Thursday, February 23rd at 11am PST, to learn about the following topics:

  • Overview of the sales and use tax challenges that can be solved with automation

  • Red flags that put you at risk for a sales audit

  • Benefits of having a seamless platform serving as the single source of truth for audit defense

Register now to view this live demonstration webinar and we thank you for your interest in this webinar presented by Western Computer.